It's time for A Farewell to Arms... and by arms we mean Elyse. Unfortunately, after four weeks of good times, Elyse had to return to college. We had to make our last night worthwhile, and we would say we did pretty well. First, we made cookies and realized we didn't have milk. Cookies + No Milk = Null. So we asked our mom to take us to the store. Before we left, though, Elyse requested that we quickly change the lyrics to "Singin' in the Rain" so it pertained to buying milk, get our mom to "act" (she was supposed to refuse taking us at first, then give in and join us), choreograph it so that in the final line of the song, the three of us walk in a line, grab our purse/jackets/keys, hit the final note, and hold it until we slammed the door shut behind us on the stinger. We kid you not, we literally did this. Sure, no one really knew the lyrics, but by the final line, we had it down pat. It went something like this:
"Just singin' and dancin' to get some MILK" (sung in three-part "harmony [it somewhat resembled our "Sit Down, John" chord]) -2-3-4-5-6- and door SHUT.
We strongly advise that if you are leaving the house with a group of people, you should play this Musical Theatre Exit Game. It works for all songs and for all ventures that require leaving your house. Going on a late night Taco Bell run? We advise trying, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, we're GOING, to get, SOME, tacoooooossss" (and slowly shut the door).
Next, we made up a game called the Jellicle Cats Key Change Game. If any of you haven't watched the number "Jellicle Cats" performed before, please watch
this. It's pretty hilarious, in all honesty. It's funny that the whole song is basically the specifications of what constitutes a jellicle cat, like bouncing on tires, diving through the air, and being the Pied Piper's assistant. It's a little suspicious they don't mention being able to do triple pirouettes, actually looking good doing the stag jump, being able to sing ridiculous bass notes while doing a round-off back handspring, and having no hips, thighs, gut so as not to look like a jellicle fat(ty) in that horrible costume. We're sorry if any of you are die-hard
Cats fans, but we find, at least this number, tragically amusing.
First off, it's really easy to change keys in this song, so Elyse was sitting on the couch, singing the same line over and over again (wrong lyrics, probably), but changing the key at the end of every chorus. This was repeated about 20 times (by the end of the game we think she was singing the final note in "Prima Donna"). While this was happening, Annie was performing the choreography, but, once she ran out (because the song was now an extended version), she just started making up choreography that is appropros for a jellicle cat. It was the funniest thing on earth. Somehow Annie suddenly became a choreographer who could perfectly balance ridiculous 80's movements with feline traits.
Of course, it wasn't until this game was over that we realized how ridiculous it was, or how long we had been doing it. Once you get swept up into the game it's next to impossible to get out of it. That's the pitfall.
It's really sad that the sisters will be parted, yet again, but at least everyone can rest better knowing that our last night together was spent being the biggest theatre dorks ever. And we will be reuniting Monday night around 7 PM for a musical theatre venture. It is sure to result in a hilarious blog.