Jan 26, 2009


Here's the conversation Annie had with her mom this morning at the kitchen table:

Mom: What is Children of a Lesser God about?
Annie: Deaf people, a speech teacher I think.
Mom: Is that a musical?
Annie: [Pause] Do you mean Children's Letters to God?
Mom: [Blank stare for about 10 seconds] Is that the one Chase is doing?
Annie: Yes.
Mom: Oh.

Wow, so Bruce Miller was right in his "Today's Puzzler" post. We wish we had entered the Barksdale's "2 Shows that Sound Alike" contest, although we didn't really have creative answers. Speaking of "creative" answers, did you hear about the Avenue Q contest that happened a month ago? Well, you know the song in the show, "For Now", where they talk about all the bad things out there that are only for now? The line that brought the house down and never seemed to fail, even if people had already heard it 10 times was, "GEORGE BUSH, is only for now." Since he's not there anymore, the contest was to come up with something that's only for now and send it in. Annie came up with a "HILARIOUS" answer- Paris Hilton- and sent it in. When she told Elyse, she was so proud - well, the kind of proud you get when you want to gauge the person's reaction so you pretend you're not proud. The reaction she gauged was a blank stare. And maybe a resnark along the lines of, "That's not even two syllables." 

Here's a link to the article about the contest. Apparently they've narrowed it down to four options, which they're going to try out in front of an audience. BOO. Where is Paris Hilton? Just kidding, but we feel like 2 out of 4 of the possibilities are not all that great. Just sayin'.


Unknown said...

I don't know, all 4 of those sound not that great to me

Holly T. said...

Hey sisters!! Come see Chase's new show - Children's Letters to a Lesser God. No, wait, that's not it. Children of a Letter to God? Nope. Lesser Children who like God? Wrong again. Anyway, it's that one, the musical, with the kids in it and they're writing letters and dancing around and singing. And they're fabulous, every single one. And if you liked Cooper Timberline in the Wild Christmas Binge thing (which thankfully doesn't mention children or God) then you'll really like him in this, where he gets to do a little more. It's REALLY GOOD! See it! Please! Love it! Blog about it! etc. etc. etc.
- Cooper Timberline's mom/agent :-)