Aug 17, 2008

Bali Heights

Been missing us? Of course you have...nt. Anyway, we've just returned from four days in the Big Apple! It's sad to be home, but at least we now have free internet access. Our days there were jam-packed with celebrity sightings and way too much food. But let's get down to what's important- the shows!

Thursday night we were lucky enough to see Seth Rudetsky's Broadway Chatterbox at Don't Tell Mama, a really cool cabaret and piano bar. Basically, Seth (yes, first-name basis) has a Broadway guest every week who he interviews before they go off to the theater to perform. FYI, this was really easy to get tickets to for anyone who's interested in going- and it's free, you just need to buy two drinks. And I'm sure you wouldn't mind that. The night we went, Seth was interviewing Bloody Mary (who sings "Bali Hai"... get with the program, people) from South Pacific, who told a really inspirational story about how she landed that part. 

After the show, we talked to Seth (eeeeee!!!!) and he told us to go see Andrea McArdle's cabaret show at the Metropolitan Room (he was playing piano for it). We literally sat behind Seth, which was kind of embarrassing considering we ordered an entire cake for the three of us girls. It was amazing hearing her sing, but it was even cooler hearing her banter with Seth and talk about Broadway gossip. Who knew she had beef with Jane Krakowski? Anyway, the show was just great, with a wide range of songs, including "Beauty and the Beast", in which she harmonized with Seth, "NYC", and "Some People".... oh, and "Angry Young Man." Random. 

And, we finally got to see In the Heights, after so much anticipation. Let's just say it exceeded all of our expectations. Another sentence that ends in "ation". Our whole family cried at certain parts of the show, and two of us (names will not be disclosed) cried throughout the entire show. It was just SO good. Every single one of the characters was lovable. Annie had beef with Mr. Rosario, and Mom and Dad didn't like Abuela, but other than that, we just loved it. Our favorite character? Sonny! He was such a great actor and the audience loved him from the start. Speaking of the audience, they were so responsive, which was awesome to see. After the show, we pretended that we were part of a camp and heard the cast give a talk-back. They didn't say anything all that interesting, but we got to see them in their street clothes. Like seeing a dog walk on its hind-legs. But more like 11 dogs. Who are Spanish...chihuahuas? 

Trivia question: If you can tell us what movie both Priscilla Lopez (Mrs. Rosario) and Olga Merediz (Abuela Claudia) were in, we'll give you a prize. Maybe. But see if you know the answer!

Be on the lookout for our thoughts on [title of show], also known as one of our FAVORITE new musicals! We thought it deserved its own post. Yes, we play favorites. Who doesn't. 


Anonymous said...

Priscilla Lopez and Olga Merediz were both in Center Stage.

(extends hand) PRIZE PLEASE!!!

Anonymous said...

...and now I've got "Nothing" from A CHORUS LINE stuck in my head. Thanks for the sour persimmons.

Annie's Blogs said...

Congratulations, jcs4n! You got it right! "Forget you, Mr. Choreographer."

Annie's Blogs said...