Aug 22, 2008

Not Her Strongest Suit

We're taking a big risk with this post. First of all, we're commenting on a video from a show that's not even on Broadway anymore- Aida. Old news, right? Well, thanks to YouTube, everything old is new again (quoting Boy from Oz? That's risky, too). Secondly, this has to do with the Idina Menzel.

Now, we all know that she's known for her rockin' pipes- or whatever you kids call it these days. And we absolutely love her. What's not to like- with her big strong voice, gorgeous husband, chiseled cheekbones, and... uh, gorgeous husband, Idina is pretty wicked ;-)
Please note that we are using this emoticon sarcastically. We don't care for emoticons.

For those of you who saw Wicked, you might have thought her, erm, dancing in the Ozdust Ballroom was just a fluke. However, we stumbled upon this old video the other night, and literally watched all of it like this: :-o .... hmm, apparently emoticons really do help you express what you need to say! But seriously, what is going on in this video? Why do they have her dancing like this? It's just so awkward. Maybe it's just us, but please watch it and see if you think it's as awkward as we do.


Unknown said...

Wow. What a find. YouTube and Broadway-- I am always astounded by the combination. BrouTube? Well, if we overlook the fact that this is a bootleg video, what's interesting to note is how much like a high school production that number is! Other than Idina's voice (yes, we're on a first-name basis because she gave me her autograph outside of the Gershwin in '03-- Annie was there distracting the crowd) the set and costumes look so amateur. Let me break it down:
1. Staging: I think the director said something like this, "Hey, Idina, okay, so just um... walk to stage right, then sit down. Okay, then walk to stage left and sit down. Yeah, that looks good."
2. Set: I think the production designer said something like this, "Okay so let's just get a sheet of plywood and cover it with a sheet and then I'll make a matching pillow. That looks like an Egyptian bed, I think."
3. Costumes: I think the costume designer said something to the effect of, "I'll drape a silk sheet around Idina and that's good. Then I found some awesome satin pajamas at Goodwill that we can cut up and then drape it around the back-up dancers. You want scarves? Oh, scarves I have-- blue, purple, pink... I bought them in the subway."
Hey, where did our $10 million go?

Annie's Blogs said...

GOODWILL! Ha, that's absolutely hilarious. Thank you for your analysis, Rachel.

Princess Crabass said...

When you can sing like that you don't need to dance! That's what those other girls are for.

By the way, I saw her do this in NY. It's not my favorite show, but she was by far the best thing in it.