Dec 12, 2008

Because You're Obviously Bored...

Hello friends! We have to start off by saying that after having written the title for this post, we literally sat staring at the computer screen for about seven minutes- the time it took us to finish the bag of chips we initially bought for our mom on the train. BTW, Eric Schaeffer's on the train with us, sleeping like a baby. We were going to take a picture of him asleep and realized everyone around him was not asleep.

Second, sorry it’s been a while! We're on the train because we were in NYC. C, Elyse had a whole week between her classes ending and exams, time which her school allotted for studying. So we went to New York with our mom so Elyse could get her headshots done.

The same guy did Annie’s a year ago.

No but seriously, we both got them done by Matthew Cippaghila, who is wonderful, and we totally recommend him if you ever want to venture to NY to get your headshots done!

Anyway, we have some NYC shows to talk about! But for now, here are some online places to check out instead of doing work. First, this is kind of old news now, but check out "Prop 8- The Musical". It’s hilarious and boasts an awesome cast. We can’t tell you how many people have sent this to us to put on the blog. Very apPROPri8 for it! Thanks for sending the video to us- if you have anything else you want to see up here, we are now selling ad space. 

Here’s another very random website to check out. It’s called, and it’s a totally awesome way to waste your time. Basically you get to pick a celebrity (and they have a ton) and dress them up, like a paper doll- and each celebrity has a different wardrobe. For those of you men who aren’t into this, the dolls are half-naked! And for those of you musical theatre fans, one of the celebrities is, kid you not, IDINA MENZEL. Here's the link for her doll. Way to go Idina! Clearly Enchanted was way more popular than we thought. Too bad the clothes in her online wardrobe kind of suck. A blue and gray leopard print leotard? Okay.

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