Dec 6, 2008

Life is Good

Today while Annie was at the gym, Varsity Fanclub's single "Future Love" played on the gym's radio. That would be enough motivation for me to run a marathon*. There's just something about Jayk's Purdy voice. Ha! Those of you hardcore Varsity Fanclub fans got th
at awesome pun. So... Annie... got that awesome pun.

*Actually, marathon is pushing it. Maybe just run a mile**.
**You know what? The mile never really worked out well for me. So we're gonna go with just some light aerobic activity. Maybe a nice, easy Dance Your Way Fit workout tape***.
***Yeah, let's just go with "That would be enough motivation for me to drive to Wendy's and get a #6 with only mayonnaise."


Anonymous said...

Elyse that's hilarious. Dad was in a really good mood while he was reading it because he's going to go swim soon, so of course he kept picking on me (and loved the mayo line).

First he said, "While Annie was at the gym"? Then looked at me, laughed, and smiled like, Right ;-)

Then he saw my resume and said, "Conversational Italian? I don't think 'Chicken Milanese Pomodoro and Potatoes Brio' counts."

Your friend,

Unknown said...

How about Rosmarino? Does that count?