Dec 22, 2008

Annie and Elyse's Wild Christmas Blog

Big news: for the first time ever, both Steingold Sisters are in shows at the same time! Yay! It's really good because it eliminates any potential "acting notes" that turn into one of us in tears. Just kidding. We're really good at getting along... except when it comes to where to eat dinner. So everyone needs to look out for Annie in the ironically titled Annie, at Theatre IV. Elyse is in Baby with the Bathwater by Christopher Durang at GW (road trip anyone?) which led us to going to see Mrs. Bob Cratchit's... Ridiculously Long Title. Firehouse was doing a staged reading, and since it's by Durang also, we figured it would be a good learning experience for Elyse. As well as entertaining.

The show is hilarious, and the audience was crazy! Seriously, as opposed to laughing, they just screamed at the stage. Looks like everyone has the Hanukkah Cheer! The standout of the show was a Mr. Cooper Timberline, who is probably one of the most adorable kids ever (not counting either of the Farley boys). Funny that our favorite actor in the staged reading was a boy who is too young to read. We think his mom, the eloquent Holly Timberline, drew pictograms or something over his lines. Actually, we're not sure how old he is or if he's literate or not (we're thinking yes), but we do know he never flubbed any of the lines that were right in front of his face. Just sayin'.

Robert Albertia as Ebenezer Scrooge was perfect, Jacqueline O'Connor played mean really well (she had some awesome one-liners), Scott Wichmann had people laughing simply in anticipation of his lines (no kidding), Richard Koch now has a secret admirer (Elyse), Jackie Jones was funny as always, and Katherine Louis just saying the word "Fezziwig" had us die laughing. BTW, how convenient is it for the Muppets that when they made A Muppet Christmas Carol, they literally already had a character named Fozzie? 

Congratulations to Billy Christopher Maupin and his really funny/witty "Director's Notes"- the audience was packed and the show was very well-received- huzzah! Oh, and by the way, we got to talk to Dave T. of the famed Richmond Theatre Blog at intermission. We kid you not, Elyse uttered about three words. We think they were, in no particular order, "dog", "Canada", and "dreidel". She would like to apologize publicly to Mr. T.  for her star-struckness. Star-struckedness? Strickidy-stardness? Yeah, that's it. 

Happy 2nd Night of Hanukkah! We forgot to light the candles already. Oy vey. 


Thespis' Little Helper said...

I feel honored that you so enjoyed the director's notes. I find myself so often laughing out loud at your blog. And I'm thrilled that you had a good time. You ladies are

Annie's Blogs said...

Oh my gosh, the suspense is killing us... what are we?? You ladies are... adorable? Pains-in-the-butt? Bashful? Grumpy? Sneezy?

Thanks for laughing out loud at our blog! Now go cut off your hair and buy us something (BTW, that's now Elyse's new favorite expression).

Amy said...

Thanks for the shout out to the Farley boys, but Cooper could pass for a Farley boy - you see Nikki, your people do have little blond blue eyed boys!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! This is a very belated thank you for such nice coverage of my boy and me. I must also add that at various times, BOTH of my boys have been smitten with Po Fo-wee (the younger Farley boy's name, said in the way Timberline boys learn to talk) and my mom met "Po" one time when he was about 2 and talked about his gorgeous good looks for approximately the next 3 years. As for me, when I run my Tuesday and Thursday mile with the Waldorf 5th graders, I always admire Bryce's speed (like his dad) and gorgeous, thick blond hair! (like his mom) I wonder though Amy, where do you find those special shoelaces that untie themselves every 20 feet??? (Hey sisters - don't you love it when people leave comments on your blog to talk amongst themselves?) Anyway, thanks!
- this is from Holly Timberline, even though I don't know how to make it say so

Thespis' Little Helper said...

Oh, geez! I just saw your comment on my comment, as we begin to revisit Mrs. Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge and Jackie Jones resent me the link to this!

I don't remember!!!

I'm sure I went on and on effusively about how fabulous you are, especially now that I've met you, which I don't think I had at this point last year...right?

Was great to revisit!

Thank you!