Oct 30, 2008

A Day in the Life

Here is the transcript of our latest phone conversation:

Elyse: Have you ever heard of Virginia Beach Musical Theatre? It's pretty cool.
Annie: Yeah, I have. They're doing Aida. Or they already did Aida. I wanted to audition.
Elyse: Aw, man, they did Aida?! Okay, Aida is totally a role I'd love to play.
Annie: Really? I don't really like her songs that much. Amneris's are so much better.
Elyse: Eh, that's kind of true, but I could NEVER play Amneris.

...Whereas you DEFINITELY are eligible to play Aida, Elyse. You just need to get a little older. Maturity is key for that role. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My new favorite thing is to read your blog! Keep your wonderful posts coming!