Oct 22, 2008

You'll What What Now?

In honor of Thoroughly Modern Millie this summer, we have a link to a hilarious compressed script from BroadwayAbridged.com. If you haven't been to the site, GO! Annie discovered it last year and it hasn't ceased to crack us up. Anyone want to join us in actually staging this? Could be funny? Eh? Eh? No? Okay.

Once you read it, you kind of have to agree with it. Don't get us wrong, we LOVED Millie when we saw it, we know literally every word to the soundtrack, and I'm pretty sure we learned the "Forget About the Boy" choreography from the Tony's. Minus the desks with taps on the bottom. How cool is that number? And when we used to take dance classes, Amy Farley, our teacher, taught us the. Coolest. Dance to the "Nuttycracker Suite." Long story short, we're fans. But you can't disagree with the script

While you're there, read some of the other abridged scripts - they're hi-larious! The Legally Blonde one is pretty amazing. We especially love when Richard Blake goes, "Why have I become the go-to ASSHOLE of the Broadway Musical? "

So true, BroadwayAbridged.com. So true.

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