Oct 21, 2008

Pu Pu Platter... Or, My Life

Hi, just Elyse here. All right, so one of Annie's Last Suppers before only blenderized cuisine was at Yen Ching. We used to go there all the time as a family, especially on Christmas Eve. You literally see everyone in the Jewish community at Christmas Eve Chinese dinner. It's basically like a Yom Kippur service, except no one is scared, hungry, or blowing a ram's horn... usually.

The people at Yen Ching basically know us because we used to spend so much time there, but then we stopped going when I decided I didn't like Chinese food except during Christmastime. So when Annie, Mom, and Dad went to Yen Ching, the owner came over to the table and excitedly greeted them. Here is basically the conversation (as it was relayed to me):

Yen Ching Man: Hello! Welcome back! We haven't seen you in a while!
Dad: Yeah, I know we haven't been here lately!
Yen Ching Man: Hey, aren't you missing someone, a son?

Great. Story of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. When I was a teenager my father went out and bought the Johnny Cash record "A Boy Named Sue" just for me!
You guessed it -