Oct 3, 2008

Sporadic Obsession

Hey guys, so I know the blog's been a little weird. Our situations aren't optimal for writing compelling posts about Richmond theatre. One of us isn't in Richmond at all and the other one has her mouth wired shut. Which leads me to today's Sporadic Obsession: Camp.

I know we've mentioned it before in the blog, but seriously, everyone MUST see this movie if they haven't already. Even if you didn't go the a performing arts camp (I totally thought I was sweet when I first saw the movie and I was obnoxiously like "Hey, hey guys. Hey, hey listen to me, you know what's funny? Is this is EXACTLY how it is! Like, you know totally that's how it is at performing arts camps! Like. I know that. Because I just got back from French Woods. So like I understand every joke and have lived it."), it's still hi-larious and totally relevant for anyone who loves theatre. 

"Turkey Lurkey Time" is totally our favorite part of the movie. And, yes, Annie and I have learned the choreography and would be happy to perform it for you upon request. 

So one of the character's mouths is wired shut and at one point someone asks her what she was drinking and she says "chicken broth" but it comes out sounding like "chicken brush." And tonight when I asked Annie what she was eating she totally said "chicken brush." It was hilarious for me. I just hope that when her mouth is finally un-wired she will soulfully belt out "Here's Where I Stand" with my mom in tears nodding at her encouragingly with a closed-mouth smile. And I'll be the way-too-into-it piano player. 


Anonymous said...

You should check out the original turkey lurkey time video on you tube from the tony's forever and a day ago! It'll be awesome!

Annie's Blogs said...

We did! Have you seen Seth Rudetsky deconstruct it? You would die laughing, it's hilarious. Just look up "Seth Rudetsky Turkey Lurkey."

Our mom's getting the Palin accent down... watch out!