Nov 9, 2008

Kenny's Lament: A Father's Response to His Daughters' Accusations

As the father of the Steingold sisters, I have made a special request to be a guest blogger on this esteemed website. I asked Annie and Pugsley to allow me to post for a couple of reasons. First, I believe that I have been portrayed unfavorably in a few of their witty anecdotes and wish to rebut. Secondly, I am trying to learn how to type, and I figured with their limited readership I could get away with many typos as I practice, and no one would really notice as I try to search for the semi-colon: actually, it is probably unfair to ridicule their readership numbers since a recent Internet research group reported that they have had 6003 hits to their website. Congratulations! In a weird coincidence, 6000 have come from one household on Horncastle Place, and... (thanks, Rachel, Erica, Mike). Anyway, in response to some of their quips:

First, the girls mentioned that I referenced the musical "Urinetown" when I really was forced to pay to use the facilities in Amsterdam. To set the record straight, I was at Swift Creek Mill Playhouse, but it was only for the dining experience. Seeing the musical was only an afterthought. The show actually was great, but as a 55 year old male with prostate problems, I became increasingly uncomfortable during the show; it was only by divine coincidence that I happened to have a self catheterization kit on me and saved myself serious embarrassment.

Second, they mentioned that one Hannukah/Christmas they gave me a Springsteen CD and a Dave Matthews CD, obviously thinking I was a lot cooler than I really am; they made fun of me, stating that I promptly returned them for two Broadway musical CDs. Not true-they were returned for the latest Megadeath and Black Sabbath CDs; or was it David Bowie and Marilyn Manson; no, it was the latest boxsets of Culture Club and Wham. Touche!

Finally, you ridiculed me when we were flipping channels and the movie "Titanic" was on. The ship was in port and I asked if this was the end of the movie. How was I supposed to know-I never saw that movie. However, I recently heard a rumor that Leo is in negotiations to star on Broadway in David Rabe's incendiary play, "The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel." Looking forward to it.

So fearless reader, thanks for your indulgence, and I hope I haven't wasted too much of your time; although if you read the kids' blog you have ample amount of wastable time. So, I'm off to the gym (golf), to pump some iron (water aerobics class), while listening to AC/DC on my nano-pod (soundtrack from "Millie" on my Walkman), while watching Ultimate Fighting (season one, "Murder She Wrote").

Kenny Steingold


Unknown said...

Well, someone's got to prop up those pageview stats

Anonymous said...

One of those kits can really come in handy (See: David Sedaris' latest book).

Kenny, wondering if you ever mistakenly put a "Urine Collecting Hat" on your head instead of a bowler or a baseball cap?

Anonymous said...