Nov 13, 2008

Watch More Television!

The world of theatre has crept its way into a new frontier - TV! You have to look out for two particular shows, because no one gets a kick out of theatre jokes as much as theatre people!

There is a new show on television called Summer Heights High that everyone has to watch. It comes on HBO, Sundays at 10:30 PM, but we're pretty sure every episode is on YouTube. It basically is a mockumentary about an Australian public high school, focusing on three characters: an exchange student, a bully, and a drama teacher. The catch? All three of them are played by the same guy, Australian comedian Chris Lilley. It is absolutely hi-larious. The show is basically Waiting for Guffman, if Christopher Guest had an Australian accent and also played Parker Posey and Eugene Levy's roles. Below we have a clip of Mr. G, the drama teacher.

We know South Park can be lewd and sometimes a little weird (and sometimes REALLY weird), but this past Wednesday, their episode called "Elementary School Musical" almost had us rolling on the ground laughing. Annie called Elyse at the first commercial break during the episode and literally said, "Isn't this killing you?!" You can watch the episode here; you just click "Full Episodes." You're going to love it and most likely agree with everything they're talking about.

Watch them- we promise they're worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freakin hybrids...they just don't do the trick anymore...hahaha