Nov 30, 2008

Nice :)

Just last week, Annie called Elyse and said, "I just got the craziest email from Swift Creek Mill Theatre. We literally have to write a blog about it." But unfortunately, this was no bloggable matter. By the way, is telling us that "bloggable" is not a real word. Seriously? WTF. And it's telling us that BLOGSPOT isn't a real word, either. 

Anyway, Jennifer Procise, Director of Development and Marketing at Swift Creek, sent out an email saying that their email system was compromised. That really sucks! Like, who knew that kind of thing still happened? But, we try to find humor in everything. So we'd like to leave you with our favorite snippet of the Swift Creek Mill's compromised email. For even more laughs, read it out loud. You won't regret it:

Step 4: waiting verify by administrator , after 1day you can have 200% money , ex : you fund 10$ , after 24hour you have 20$. That gif for you for place order with shop. Nice :).

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