Nov 12, 2008

Where are You Taking Me?

So, this past Monday, Annie and Chase K. came up to DC so we could all go see "Where Are You Taking Me" at Georgetown University. Basically, it was this collaboration between Georgetown and Arena Stage, and they performed songs from work-in-progress musicals from around the country. The show was really cool, and we'll talk about that later, but the whole night was an experience that needs talking about.

Once we got past the incoherent parking attendant, we arrived on the Georgetown campus starving, so we stopped in the nearest snack shop called "Hoya Snaxa," which we found hilarious. After that point we had to add "-xa" to the end of anything we bought, which was really amusing to us, mainly because when you're walking around in the cold you giggle at everything. Apparently Elyse's Diet Coxa was refreshing. HA! 

At this point we had about an hour to spare, so we decided to find coffee. We figured since we were on a college campus there had to be at least 10 coffee shops near us. Wrong. So we had to ask someone. Well, by that time we were all attempting to talk in British accents and thought it would be funny to ask a student where the coffee was in said accent. So Annie stops a guy and asks him where the nearest coffee shop was. Kid you not, the guy was British. He literally was wearing a track jacket with the England flag on it. When he spoke, Elyse and Chase absolutely lost it. Elyse literally guffawed out loud, and left Annie alone, trying to keep herself together. We found coffee about 45 minutes later.

When we got to the theater, we went to the bathroom and Annie dropped her ticket in the toilet. When does that happen? The show itself was really good - Elyse liked every song pretty much - with songs from shows like Vanities (you know, the new one with Lauren Kennedy and the girl from That's So Raven?), Rooms, Giant, and Emma. But it sounded like some of the performers were sight-reading the songs as they went along... not cool. And some of the songs were just not all that catchy. But, it was neat seeing the producers and composers of the shows. We all now want to be friends with Michael Friedman, composer of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. On a more serious note, it really is interesting to think about the direction musicals are heading, and it's always interesting to look at the subjects discussed in the musical- Andrew Jackson? Really? 

After the show, we went to M Street for some Italian cuisine. Before we decided where to go, we were standing outside of a restaurant reading the menu when this crazy woman got out of a cab acting crazy; she was screaming at cabs and collapsing onto the hoods of cars, so we tried to stray away, taking a lap around the block. When we came back, we were looking at a different restaurant when she literally comes barreling towards Chase, missing him by about an inch. Once she was passed we practically ran into this Italian place that Chase highly recommended. The dinner was delicious, but the atmosphere sort of random. The decorations were ridiculous - it looked like a much, much tackier version of the reception of Tony and Tina's Wedding. While we were signing the check, Chase kind of jumped and told us he had just seen a mouse scurry across the floor. Again- really??

Suffice it to say, it was a very interesting evening. Tickets in toilets, mice, real British accents, and snaxas.... eureka! I think we just came up with the premise of a new musical! Georgetown and Arena, sign us up! 


Anonymous said...

Next time, Dean & DeLuca for coffee on 32nd + M. But if you'd known that, the story wouldn't have been as good...

Annie's Blogs said...

oh my gosh thank you! future crisis averted...