Sep 14, 2008

...And in the Mornin', I'm Makin' Bloggles!

Okay, that is the most pathetic title ever, but props to you if you actually know what we spoofed. This is our first official Shrek: The Musical post. Our friend sent us this link to a slideshow with some really interesting pictures of what will soon be coming to Broadway. We have some thoughts on this. First of all, Shrek (the movie) is a freaking amazing movie. It makes us laugh so hard we cry, and it makes us cry so hard we each other crying over Dragon missing Donkey.

Our first request for the show: Please tell us the overture to the Broadway production is simply Smash Mouth's "All Star." Shrek really cannot start without this song. We wish you knew how much we actually think this. Some more requests...

Please let the Ginger Bread's voice be as amazing as the one in the movie. "Don't tell him anything!" could quite possibly be the funniest line in the movie simply because his voice is hilarious.

The pictures make this show seem really dark, don't you think? Let's brighten it up a bit. Also, what's up with Christopher Sieber's costume? Cool idea,'s very clear that Lord Farquaad is merely leaning back on some man in a black cloak, right? And what happens when he walks? Do his legs move, or do they just bend under and get caught in the black cloak? This is just so perplexing.

Take a look at the pictures, seriously. Make your own judgments. And please note that we are most definitely seeing this show - these are just our curiosities. Come on, one of our daily obsessions is Grease 2.

1 comment:

Princess Crabass said...

I think the pictures look great! I think it's kinda lame - I mean, do we really NEED Shrek the Musical? - doesn't anyone have an original idea in their head? - but hell, I would go just to see Sutton Foster.