Sep 4, 2008

Daily Obsession: Capital Style

Greetings from the computer lab! My laptop hasn't returned from Pentagon City yet, and I must say it isn't great. I'm not kidding when I say it is roughly 98 degrees in here, and I'm sitting next to a 50-year old man, who apparently is enrolled here, who is trying to get into as many Women's Studies classes as possible. Creepy. Almost as creepy as the fact that I am sooo not discreetly looking at his computer screen.

In case any of you were wondering, my Murphy's Law curse has continued...yesterday I dropped my phone in the toilet. No, apparently that kind of stuff doesn't just happen in Ben-Stiller-yeah-it's-kinda-funny-but-after-a-while-it-just-gets-old-and-painful-to-watch-like-Meet-the-Parents-type movies. And my life movie doesn't have Owen Wilson in it. Bummer.

So my daily obsession is a soundtrack. I'm trying to get back at my next door neighbor for leaving his alarm clock buzzing while he was at his 8 AM class by playing my music really loudly. And flicking off his door everytime I walk by it. Both work. Anyway, I'm sure my next door neighbor would agree with me on my obsession with the I Love You, Because soundtrack. It's a new-ish, now closed, Off-Broadway show. Yeah, a lot of the songs sound the same, but it's cute and entertaining and not Spring Awakening.

Or, if you're not into that show, you could buy the I Sing! soundtrack. It's a new-ish, now closed, Off-Broadway show. Yeah, a lot of the songs sound the same, but it's cute and entertaining and not Spring Awakening.

So start collecting your Coke caps, rack up some iTunes bank, and broaden your soundtrack horizons!

Yikes. I'm almost positive I'm the less funny sister.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No, that was definitely funnier than Annie.