Sep 30, 2008

Annie Alert

Ladies and gentlemen, I made a mistake in the last post. While sitting at the kitchen table being fed Gerber sweet potatoes through a syringe, I had my parents try to guess the four "Annie" characters in musicals- and guess what? They thought of a fifth Annie! Cool, huh, that my parents are that "in tune" (HA!) with musical theatre? Cool and kind of... well, come up with your own adjective.

Anyway, there are now FIVE musicals which have a character named Annie in them. Figure it out and win a ticket to Ragtime! Complements of Chase, although he doesn't know it, so don't hold me to it.


Princess Crabass said...

I can't resist a musical theatre challenge - I'm a geek from way back! The obvious Annies are:

Annie (as in Little Orphan), who actually appeared in two shows if you count Annie Warbucks.

Annie Oakley - Annie Get Your Gun.

Ado Annnie - Oklahoma

Anytime Annie - 42nd Street.

There are also a bunch of random Annies - like one of the girls in Chicago is named Annie - who knew? There's an Annie in Mary Poppins, two Annies in Harrigan & Hart, Audition Annie in Mr. Wonderful, and Annie Work in In the Good Old Summertime.

There's also an Annie Goldstein in something called Zig-Zag Alley.

Tell Chase he can keep his ticket. I'm in the show! Come see it!

Your best friend, Robyn

Annie's Blogs said...

Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh.

That is amazing. I only was able to figure out the obvious Annie's, and then the 5th one I could think of was in Chicago- I remember seeing the script and being like, Annie? Cool!

As for all the others... that's incredible. I never would have figured out all of those.

Your best friend (yay!!), Annie